Monday, March 22, 2010

Spectacles, Frogs, and Explosions

Today is just an example of how an ordinary Monday can end up going from good to great to PANIC.
Today we had a family outing to the eye doctor where Mex and I found ourselves some hot new eyewear...

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And then we decided to stop at Texas Roadhouse for dinner, and much to our surprise (and my excitement, because I have a ridiculous obsession with taking pictures with mascots) there was a radio station promotion going on there. We got pictures with the Pickle Parrot AND the Froggy Frog.

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And just as I was sitting down to my studying and assuming that the night would end smoothly, a tsunami hit. Earlier on the drive home Old Lady said, "Wow, those are some really dark clouds." And I said "Yes, its probably going to rain." And it rained. And stormed. And hailed.

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Just as I was going downstairs at the peak of the storm to make myself another cup of tea, there was what I consider an explosion. Apparantly the transformer across the street from us got hit by lightening, and I had what I'm pretty sure could have been considered a mild heart attack.
For anyone that has never witnessed a transformer getting hit by lightening, its basically a bright white light and a lot of "buzzzzz" sounds followed by sparks. It literally lasts maybe two seconds, but that's plenty of time to send me into a panic.
For everyone else's future reference, this event is NOT a disastor, your house will NOT burn down, and you DO NOT need to contact emergency services. At least that's what I'm told, although I felt that all those things were very likely possibilities in my panic.
On the bright side though, I'm still alive, my house is still standing, and I am now wide awake and ready to study some anatomy! I hope everyone's day was as eventful and exciting as mine. (But hopefully minus the explosion...)


  1. Just wanted to let you know that you have inspired me to start blogging again.. yay! And...I'm not sure it is possible for a tsunami to hit western Pennsylvania.

  2. Yay for blogging! And a tsunami DID hit and it turned my driveway into a lake.
