Sunday, March 28, 2010

Everyone Poops

Today while I was helping my mom watch kids at church and I discovered a book that changed my life.

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I've heard of this book, but I've never actually seen it. So when I found it I was really excited to see what made it so infamous.
Below are some of the passages that really struck me.

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I never realized this. I also never realized that elephant poop looked like a Whopper.

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HAHAHAHA. Hysterical.

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If this is how much poop rabbits really produce, I have finally stopped wanting a pet bunny.

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This was my favorite page because I can totally identify with it. I always smoke my pipe on the toilet. In fact, I can't even go to the bathroom without it. I just keep it in my bathroom, because smoking a pipe on the toilet is so enjoyable that I never want to smoke a pipe anywhere else.

Do people really read this stuff to their kids? Really?

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