Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lions, Tiger, and Bears...

A few weeks ago, VTI took a group of students to the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium.. By a few weeks I mean back on January 29th. I'm way behind. Telling you I'll update more would just be another lie, so just bear with me. I'm a busy girl!
But I wanted to get this up before my next update which will most likely be about the Lady Gaga concert on the 26th! (EXCITED!)
So here you go.


Tigers. (Baby tigers, too! I don't remember how old that are, though. I should because it was big news here when they were born, but I want to say it was last spring/summer? Anyway, they're not staying because they're part of a breeding program, but they'll be here for a little while longer, and I'm excited I got to see them before they go!)

And bears! (I know what you're expecting me to say next, and I won't say it because its cheesier than I can handle.. but you know I'm thinking it.)

And birds and porcupines, ect.

Hold on for the Lady Gaga pictures at the end of the month. I'm sure they're going to be interesting!

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