Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Half The Sky

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Half the Sky
by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

Since I love to read but barely ever have anyone to discuss the books I read with, I decided to write my thoughts about them on my blog!
Half The Sky is a nonfiction book about the oppression that women face worldwide. I picked this up out of curiosity at a Border's sale because I recognized the title as one of the books Angelina Jolie recommended in an interview.
Some of the issues addressed in this books are things I had never heard of and can't imagine living through. I can't imagine living in a world where I am treated like property, unable to go to school or have a job. While I may complain about both of those things, this book brings to light many things that we take for granted as American women.
I found the beginning chapters most disturbing. The first few chapters are dedicated soley to the stories of prostitutes around the world, most of them just children. I was disgusted by the fact that women actually sell their own daughters to brothels and that it is considered normal behavior in some countries.
My automatic reaction to these sort of things is, "Why doesn't the government stop them?" The book goes on to explain why making laws does not help many of these girls. Citizens don't listen, police take bribes, and making laws truley effective is expensive for countries who already do not have enough money.
Lately, all I've heard is people complaining about the healthcare bill. If you would like to put everything into perspective I would suggest reading this book. At least in America we have hospitals to go to. There are many villages around the world where people just die because there is no where to go for help, particularly women.
Salt may seem like the simplest commodity in our country, but we really don't realize the impact it has on the health of our children. Salt in America and many other developed countries is iodized, and while most people don't even know what that means, it has a huge impact on our culture. Iron is necessary to prevent certain birth defects and everyday healthy children are born because as Americans we get enough iron. This is not the case in the third world. Something as simple as iodized salt could change the lives of so many people.
Half The Sky will definately make you grateful for the life you have as an American whether you are a man or a woman. It is not a particularly easy read, especially for someone like myself who is not a fan of the non-fiction genre, but I am very happy that I read it. It made me aware of many problems that women all over the world face that I had never even heard of. It may be a bit depressing, but it offers solutions and hope for these suffering women.

Next up on the reading list: "Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies." Definately a change of pace after this book. Does it really deserve all of the hype it has recieved. I'll let you know!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Everyone Poops

Today while I was helping my mom watch kids at church and I discovered a book that changed my life.

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I've heard of this book, but I've never actually seen it. So when I found it I was really excited to see what made it so infamous.
Below are some of the passages that really struck me.

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I never realized this. I also never realized that elephant poop looked like a Whopper.

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HAHAHAHA. Hysterical.

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If this is how much poop rabbits really produce, I have finally stopped wanting a pet bunny.

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This was my favorite page because I can totally identify with it. I always smoke my pipe on the toilet. In fact, I can't even go to the bathroom without it. I just keep it in my bathroom, because smoking a pipe on the toilet is so enjoyable that I never want to smoke a pipe anywhere else.

Do people really read this stuff to their kids? Really?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Volleyball Star

Andrea has always been the one with the athletic gifts in our family. Which is fine. I have the beauty and the brains, so I guess she can have the brawn.
She has played basketball and softball for as long as I can remember. This is our first year with volleyball, and like everything else she's proved to be a natural.

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I have to say that I am most impressed by her serve. Many of the girls continue to struggle with overhand serves, but she sends the ball flying all the way across the court.

The only things about volleyball that does not come naturally to her is her uniform. For whatever reason, their uniform pants are spandex. They look more like speedos than pants, and Mex hates them. I mean loathes them. I think she adjusts them at least fifty times during her games and she refuses to be photographed in them. Obviously, I haven't been listening.

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Whenever she does catch me taking her picture in those lovely hot pants, she yells and screams and throws a fit that allows me to snap timeless gems like thess:

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I'm pretty sure I'm the best sister ever.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spectacles, Frogs, and Explosions

Today is just an example of how an ordinary Monday can end up going from good to great to PANIC.
Today we had a family outing to the eye doctor where Mex and I found ourselves some hot new eyewear...

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And then we decided to stop at Texas Roadhouse for dinner, and much to our surprise (and my excitement, because I have a ridiculous obsession with taking pictures with mascots) there was a radio station promotion going on there. We got pictures with the Pickle Parrot AND the Froggy Frog.

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And just as I was sitting down to my studying and assuming that the night would end smoothly, a tsunami hit. Earlier on the drive home Old Lady said, "Wow, those are some really dark clouds." And I said "Yes, its probably going to rain." And it rained. And stormed. And hailed.

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Just as I was going downstairs at the peak of the storm to make myself another cup of tea, there was what I consider an explosion. Apparantly the transformer across the street from us got hit by lightening, and I had what I'm pretty sure could have been considered a mild heart attack.
For anyone that has never witnessed a transformer getting hit by lightening, its basically a bright white light and a lot of "buzzzzz" sounds followed by sparks. It literally lasts maybe two seconds, but that's plenty of time to send me into a panic.
For everyone else's future reference, this event is NOT a disastor, your house will NOT burn down, and you DO NOT need to contact emergency services. At least that's what I'm told, although I felt that all those things were very likely possibilities in my panic.
On the bright side though, I'm still alive, my house is still standing, and I am now wide awake and ready to study some anatomy! I hope everyone's day was as eventful and exciting as mine. (But hopefully minus the explosion...)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why? ...Just Because

I'm sure most people that start blogs have an idea of what they're going to write about. I'm sure that they know of something exciting in their lives that people will love to read about. I'm not one of those people.
I'm starting this blog just because. Just because I can I guess and because sometimes exciting things do happen to me. Also because it's a good way to keep family and friends updated on the exicting and not-so-exciting-but-important things that happen in my life.
If you're reading this you probably already know that I'm Lauren. I'm 20 years old and a college student that just recently decided she wanted to become a nurse. I applied for nursing school a few weeks ago (see? That's kind of exciting and very important) and I'm in the process of (finally!) getting ready to buy a new car.
So.. this is me and my life. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

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