Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why Crime Is So Easy At This Point, Ect.

Click This Link To Creep On My Life

So.. here's the deal. If you follow that link, you can see a picture OF MY HOUSE taken by a satellite in space. (I didn't realize this until just now. Creepy, right? Also, this picture is at least 6 mos old bc I've had my Cobalt for that long and the camper hasn't been in the driveway in months. But anyway...) If ANYONE WITH THE INTERNET can see a picture of my house, explain to me WHY the US government, AKA - the most powerful organization in the world, has such a "hard time" finding terrorists/WMDs/anything at all, really. I'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything, but seriously... I feel like they're either stupid or lying at this point. Or maybe both.

The end.

EDIT: Dear Barack, if you're reading this, please don't have me killed for calling you and your minions friends idiots.


  1. very true and btw cute house!

  2. Oh thanks! My parents make a point of reminding me pretty regularly that its THEIR house, though, and not mine...
