Monday, August 1, 2011
3 Months!
If you're really interested in what I'm up to, you can always check out Facebook, although I don't really put anything of importance on there, either...
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Worst. Blogger. Ever.
Anyway, what you've missed...
Well, it got warm. Then it got cold. Then it got warm. Then it snowed. Then it rained. Got warm. Rained some more. And now its warm, and I think its really staying that way this time!
Look! Blossoms!
Right now I'm on "spring break." Which isn't really a break if you have to work the whole time.. but its still a little bit relaxing.. I think?
I have finals when I got back in a week. Term four finals! After that I'll start term five! I'm halfway there!
What else have you missed?
Oh! I got ringworm. Not fun. Pretty itchy. I should have taken a picture! Oh well.
And Zion turned four, and my three kitties turned nine.
That's the only major event you've missed I guess. Well, here's some pictures!
Friday, March 11, 2011
The Fame Monster
Aaaannd videos!
There was a video I wanted to find that was online last week, but I can't find it anymore. Sorry!
But it was a video of Lady Gaga ripping on aritists who lip sync, and it was pretty awesome. I'm sure it can be found somewhere, but I'm too impatient to keep looking.
Anyway, Lady Gaga is awesome. But you knew that already.
Monday, March 7, 2011
A Shore Thing
A Shore Thing
By Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi
Yes, I actually read this book. Don't judge me.
At the same time, don't expect much from this "book" either. Not that you probably did anyway, if you even planned on reading it. The good news though is that, because I didn't expect a tale told by a literary genius, I wasn't that disappointed by it.
I read a lot of trashy books to begin with, and this one pretty much fits the mold of the rest. The main character is very obviously based on Snooki and most of it is just ramblings about how she's awesome because she's tons of fun and doesn't care what anyone thinks.
The problem with this is that it might actually do the entire cast of Jersey Shore some good to care what other people think... even if its only for a minute. That being said, I know support they're stupidity, obnoxiousness, complete lack of self-respect, "lifestyle" by obsessively watching their show every week, so I don't really have much room to be lecturing. But I can't help it, its entertaining. And hey, if entertainment has gotten this low-brow, whatever. It gives me something to look forward to on Thursday, which would otherwise be a completely depressing, worthless day.
The point is: The book is all right, I guess. The whole thing is pretty much about how awesome Gia/Snooki is and its pretty poorly written, but I bought it, right? So whose the asshole now? And anyway, I read it during finals week and it made for a nice temporary escape.
The question you should really be worried about, though, is: "WHERE'S THE BEACH?!" It's obviously not in Pittsburgh, because its still snowing here!
Also, the Lady Gaga pics/videos are coming soon, I swear.
Also, also, the picture I used of the book isn't a picture I took. Again, so suing, please!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Lions, Tiger, and Bears...
But I wanted to get this up before my next update which will most likely be about the Lady Gaga concert on the 26th! (EXCITED!)
So here you go.
Tigers. (Baby tigers, too! I don't remember how old that are, though. I should because it was big news here when they were born, but I want to say it was last spring/summer? Anyway, they're not staying because they're part of a breeding program, but they'll be here for a little while longer, and I'm excited I got to see them before they go!)
And bears! (I know what you're expecting me to say next, and I won't say it because its cheesier than I can handle.. but you know I'm thinking it.)
And birds and porcupines, ect.
Hold on for the Lady Gaga pictures at the end of the month. I'm sure they're going to be interesting!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The Host
The Host
By Stephenie Meyer
Okay, I'm just going to say it and get it over with: I was not a big Twilight fan. I know this offends almost everyone. But I can't help it. Twlight just wasn't my cup of tea.. I felt too old for it. I felt like it was something my sister would love, (and she does.) Clearly, it's not just a teeny-bopper fad like I thought it would be. People my age (and older...) love it too, despite the fact that it's themes are childish, immature, ...not my style.
That being said, the fact that I wasn't a "Twi-hard," does not reflect my general opinion of Stephenie Meyer. I think she's a great writer, and I loved The Host.
Obviously, I had my doubts. But I was proven wrong, and I couldn't put it down. Its a long one, but its a quick read. The Host is Stephenie Meyer for big people. The story is original and addicting. Now that Twlight is over, (kind of...), I hope Stephenie Meyer sticks to this format/genre/age group and continues writing, because I love her, and she is way more than just the Twlight series.
Next up - (This is embarassing) "A Shore Thing" by..Snooki. Yes, I'm actually reading it. Yes I should be ashamed to admit that. Yes, my Jersey Shore addiction is disgusting. I know all this, you don't have to tell me.
Also - I obviously did not take the picture I used for this post. Being that I'm writing this in the library at school and obviously don't have my camera, I got it off of Google Images. Please don't sue me if I infringed on your copyright.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Why Crime Is So Easy At This Point, Ect.
So.. here's the deal. If you follow that link, you can see a picture OF MY HOUSE taken by a satellite in space. (I didn't realize this until just now. Creepy, right? Also, this picture is at least 6 mos old bc I've had my Cobalt for that long and the camper hasn't been in the driveway in months. But anyway...) If ANYONE WITH THE INTERNET can see a picture of my house, explain to me WHY the US government, AKA - the most powerful organization in the world, has such a "hard time" finding terrorists/WMDs/anything at all, really. I'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything, but seriously... I feel like they're either stupid or lying at this point. Or maybe both.
The end.
EDIT: Dear Barack, if you're reading this, please don't have me killed for calling you and your
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol
By Charles Dickens
This is the second Christmas that I've read A Christmas Carol. Not much can really be said, other than that you should make it a Christmas tradition, too. Its not an easy read. Meaning, its wordy and at times hard to follow. The writing style isn't very modern... obviously. But its stil a great book, and it will remind you why you're really celebrating the season.
Right now I'm reading The Host by Stephenie Meyer. It's pretty long, so I was originally expecting it to take me awhile to finish. But so far, I'm loving it and I'm finding time that I may not necessarily have to get through it. It proves that Stephenie Meyer is way more than just Twilight. But I'll let you know more about it when I finish!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Christmas Catch-Up
I'm not doing well...
Anyway, very quickly, here's a photo summary of Christmas 2010.
And finally.. cookies!