I meant to get this post up long ago, but things have been so crazy! Truth is, sometimes Zion is so big and loud and
always under my feet that sometimes I neglect to give these three credit.
I've had Chiller, Friskie, and Tiger for
eight years and I can hardly believe it. (Have I really cleaned
that much litter?)
So, from the beginning, Chiller and Friskie were the first two strays we found and as soon as I saw them they became my pets. (Much to my parents dismay.)

As you can see, this "dressing things that aren't people" thing has become a recurring theme for me.

Also, the two of them clearly got along with our first dog, Buddy, much better than they get along with Zion now. I don't think I could get any of my cats close enough to Zion to get them in the same frame. At least not without Zion getting smacked in the face by one of them.
Tiger was found about a month or so after Chiller and Friskie and he was never supposed to come in the house.

...obivously, he did. And he also grew into those ears!
So, to make this as organized as possible and to give each of them the credit they deserve, I'll explain why each of my cats has been such an important part of my life. And yes, I may very well be on my way to becoming some sort of crazy cat lady, but that's okay.
I'll start with Chiller. Chiller may be the one that gets the most attention from me, but that's mostly because he's a bit of a trouble maker...

Chiller's physical abuse continues still today and there are still nights where I have to get up at 2am to save another poor, innocent pet from his violent tendacies. I'm also pretty sure that he's been trying to figure out a way to kill Zion and myself for several years. If Stewie from Family Guy was a cat, he would be Chiller.
Chiller also has a continuing obsession with sinks that my mom just

Despite his obvious hatred of everyone except himself, around 3 o'clock in the morning every night, I find him curling up next to me in bed and purring himself to sleep. So I guess maybe he likes me a little bit after all. But just know that if I ever die a mysterious, unexplained death, Chiller should be the first one that you suspect.

Friskie is the very opposite of Chiller. He's constantly crying for attention and trying to look cute so that he gets it.

Friskie will stare at you for as long as it takes to get you to pet him. He will also meow at the top of his lungs at 4am because he is down in the basement and he needs you to carry him up the steps. Despite his laziness, he is the biggest cuddler in the world, and I probably couldn't fall asleep without him.
Last but not least is Tiger and despite how skinny he was when I found him, I have proudly managed to fatten him up.

Tiger will literally eat anything you give him, which is a rare quality in a cat. He will also brave a confrontation with Zion if it means he'll get a treat. And despite the fact that I subject him to monthly baths, he still seems to love me. Of course, as far as I know, he could very well be planning my death with Chiller.
So, for better or worse, we are a household of multiple cats. And through it all (including dead goldfish, hairballs on my bed, and vomit on my dresser) I've loved them, and I think they might like me a little, too.